Monday, March 6, 2017

New Baby coming

Expected date of delivery for my daughter is Nov 30th, the new baby my grandson was coming to the land of living at two days early, maybe he knew all of our family is looking forward his coming. There’s nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby.
It was a sunshine day at the two day before, my daughter the big pregnant with a good mood wanted to go out for walking, surely Tiger and I accompanied with her to the park near our living, just in order to get more movements for easy delivery. But at the late evening, I got the replica oakley sunglasses from her husband; they were on the way to the hospital due to the bloody show it was, but the doctor let them go back home first till she felt painful in short period regularly. For the young couple, they don’t have any experiences for given the birth, everything is base on the text book, as long as a little signal, they come to see the doctor feeling nervously.
After two hours later, it was the painful in five minutes between, the pregnant said sadly. This time the feeling was match, I got the call again from nfl jerseys cheap, the clock it was almost 3am in the early morning. I got up quickly and drove to the hospital immediately. Everything was fine after medical checking; it was the time for the baby normal delivery.
My daughter was surprised me that she was not full of any fragile, all the better than my thought cheap hats, till the last minute for the birth, she did not have any groan. I was waiting outside the operation room anxiously. I was over flowing with tears till the clear crying was coming from the cheap mlb jerseys room. It was at 9.23am Nov 28th, the boy with 3,490 gram was coming to the world, the mother and baby were safe and healthy, and the news was from the doctor.
I should thank my daughter and any doctors and nurses in this big fighting and exciting moment, without their efforts and strongly encouragement, how come the world is beautiful, I can feel there are many loves at in the every corner in the world. Thank you all to share my happiness .

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